Late Night Thinking💫

By 13:26 , , , , , , ,

Tonight I went on the most beautiful walk with my amazing golden retriever Hugo...

Everyday I take around 45 minutes to walk Hugo either in the early hours of the morning or just as the sun is setting. Nothing clears my mind more than just walking in the fresh air listening to my current favourite music ( okay have to admit Adele song Hello is my fav ) thinking about future plans, ideas for my blog or just the 55 hour week of work I have starting on Monday!! Watching the sunset in some way makes me think of happy times and creates positivity in my mind thinking of the fresh start I can have tomorrow.
Above is a picture of the sun setting just behind the windmill. I stopped and took in the beautiful image ( wish I had my proper camera!! ) and think of how lucky I am to have the life I have. I constantly complain about working, studying, relationships and friends and really the fact I have a positive mind, a loving family and a roof over my head why should I worry ? Hugo seems to relax me even more he just surrounds us with a positive attitude and happy smile. 
Happy dreaming and sleeping💛

G x

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